Distribution has been far more bumpy than the post-production process. The film was screened for the cast and most of the crew in August with high hopes of sweeping the film festival circuit. After lots of waiting and a fair share of rejections, BLACK PAPER finally debuted at the Made-In-Michigan Film Festival in October. The picture was very well received. Co-producer Ryan Leeder has been discussing some exciting new distribution prospects with me over the last few months. I can't say much now, but I will tell you that things are looking up.
Beyond that, I just keep thinking about what a great experience the production was. We cranked out a movie filled with haunting, subtle performances and some lovely camerawork. I feel so blessed and honored to have had the opportunity to work with such talented people.
Dana Blackstone, you are incredible. Your performance as Ginny is brave and honest. I've rarely seen such dedication to a role, and I can't wait to work with you again. Jack Findley, I don't know how you were able to so deeply embody Max, but you nailed it. Every little expression is loaded with subtext. David Gries, Joseph Scott Anthony, Robert William Ford, and Shirley Clemens, you guys rounded out the supporting cast beautifully. Each of you brought life to your respective role. You're all awesome.
Anthony Griffin, this movie probably wouldn't have happened without your involvement right from the beginning. You believed in this project from the moment I pitched it to you, and your work on set was exemplary. I'm glad that this project finally brought our paths into alignment. John Kangas, you were a heck of an AD. You kept me sane and focused. Liz Merriman, I don't know how you balanced all your jobs, but you brought a ton of energy and hard work to this project, and it made a tremendous impact. Diane Kowalski, somehow you make the sets and locations look like what's in my brain, and for that I am ridiculously grateful. Chris Porter, your scores always seem to capture a film's essence, and BLACK PAPER is no exception. It's beautiful work, man. To everyone else on the crew, I can only say thank you. You all did so much work to make this movie happen.
I don't know where BLACK PAPER is going to take each of us. I only know how proud I am of this film and everyone involved. It was an ambitious project with a minuscule budget, and we pulled it off. This movie means a lot to me, and I hope it means something to each of you, as well. It's been quite a year. Thank you all.