MOON GHOST (series)
Moon Ghostshort film, 2015
written, produced, directed, & animated by Joshua Courtade voice performer: Joshua Courtade In this animated comedic short, a group of hapless astronauts unwittingly unleashes the ancient horror of Moon Ghost while exploring the lunar surface. Watch the film here! Get merchandise here! Festivals and Screenings:
Moon Ghost on Marsshort film, 2016
written, produced, directed, & animated by Joshua Courtade voice performer: Joshua Courtade In this animated sequel to MOON GHOST, the ancient horror of the Moon Ghost arrives on the red planet to wreak havoc among its wildly unprepared inhabitants. Watch the film here! Festivals and Screenings:
Moon Ghost vs Dinosaurs
short film, 2016
written, produced, directed, & animated by Joshua Courtade voice performer: Joshua Courtade In this animated sequel to MOON GHOST and MOON GHOST ON MARS, the ancient horror of the Moon Ghost travels back in time for a prehistoric massacre. Watch the film here! Festivals and Screenings:
Moon Ghost vs Robotsshort film, 2016
written, produced, directed, & animated by Joshua Courtade voice performer: Joshua Courtade In this animated sequel to MOON GHOST, MOON GHOST ON MARS, and MOON GHOST VS DINOSAURS, the ancient horror of the Moon Ghost runs rampant on board a space station inhabited by robots. Watch the film here! Festivals and Screenings: