Two Chuck's Boy films have recently scored on the festival circuit. The 2012 short film VANISHING ACT recently played at the HollyShorts Film Festival in Hollywood. It has also been accepted as an official selection of the Blue Water Film Festival and the Made-In-Michigan Film Festival. At Blue Water, VANISHING ACT is nominated for awards in two categories: Best Actor (Joshua Courtade) and Best Soundtrack (Chris Porter). For this year's schedule at Blue Water, click here.
The 2013 feature film BLACK PAPER is also an official selection of Made-In-Michigan, and we're very excited to be screening there! So far this is the first festival into which the film has been accepted, and we couldn't be more pleased to be returning to Made-In-Michigan this fall.
We'll continue to post schedule details as they become available.
The 2013 feature film BLACK PAPER is also an official selection of Made-In-Michigan, and we're very excited to be screening there! So far this is the first festival into which the film has been accepted, and we couldn't be more pleased to be returning to Made-In-Michigan this fall.
We'll continue to post schedule details as they become available.